
I have always sought personal growth in life and I have not hesitated to express it this way in this series of artistic works that I have titled: “From Earth to Eternity.”

I have no intellectual pretensions when expressing my will to be more, to love more and grow spiritually seeking a full existence endowed with meaning.

Transcend human values: Beauty, Goodness, Hope, Freedom, Forgiveness, Faith and Truth so that they are valid regardless of humanity and find a new vision of belonging and union with the universe. It is the union with God that unites us to his wonderful creation and the integration of man into the cosmos.

In life, pain and suffering are inevitable. Believing and having faith is not just anything because it helps us see the Light that illuminates the darkness in the hearts of men and thus be able to understand that, when contemplating the creative work of the Lord, what is essential is invisible to the eyes of man, because It is only possible to see it with the heart.

“Humanity today is like a tree full of flies that buzz irritably under a stormy sky and, with that buzz full of hatred, inequality, evil and injustice, the divine and profound voice of the universe cannot be heard.”


Earth from the space

The world today lives in a global society that is very valid because it offers us the possibility of loving others and integrating as a community in a natural way, which is why it is very difficult to accept the globalist ideology impregnated with radical globalism that they want to impose to live happily in ignorance and that everything fills it with banality and mediocrity.

In a society where inequality continues to be a criterion of progress, lies, injustice and hunger will never disappear.
Its priority objective is to strip human beings of the creative principles of our Western Judeo-Christian civilization.

Jean Jaures, thinker and humanist of the 20th century, wrote to us: “Humanity today is like a tree full of flies that buzz irritably under a stormy sky and, with that buzz full of hatred, inequality, evil and injustice, the divine and profound voice of the universe cannot be heard.”

The night He decided to come to this small planet, all the life that breathes in the universe was waiting for that moment.
I chose the Good by the Blessed Grace of it.

Pedro Pacheco Galvan
New York, 2024